Sunday 2 June 2019

Nuances of C R Park: A Series of Haikus by Arya Ray

Asking directions.
Cannot speak proper Hindi?
Switch to Bengali.

Dadu is coming.
Want something from Kolkata?
Nah, I'll get it here.

Kolkata shopping.
There is a massive market!
Ha-ha! We have four.

"Hey, why are you sad?"
"Ma, no one comes to my house!
My house smells like fish...."

I am offered sweets.
I tell them I don't like sweets.
No one believes me.

At an interview.
I tell him I'm Bengali.
He knows where I live...

Shifting place to place.
Everywhere, I find a house.
Here, I find a home.


  1. Quirky, sweet and captures the "nuances of CR Park" well :)

  2. hahahahahaha

    so well captured!!

  3. Interesting take on a pada that most like to call home
